Julie, Her Rescue Dogs, and the String of Love

Julie, Her Rescue Dogs, and the String of Love

I “work” in rescue. I use the term “work” loosely as my husband will tell you he’s never seen someone work so hard for no money. I volunteer for Abandoned Animal Rescue in Magnolia, TX (outside of Houston). I work with the small dogs, am part of the adoption team, manage Instagram and anything else I can do to help. I also foster for True Faithful Pet Rescue Mission out of Florida. 

I started fostering senior dogs after a very special senior dog, Beth, came into our shelter. She and I spent every day together, we won a Rocky Kanaka contest together! I worked through COVID shutdowns to care for her and continued to network this little dog until she found a family to call her own. Beth only lived 5 months with her new family before she passed. I knew I wanted to do something to honor her and since I already have 3 rescue dogs (Mister Chip - 14, Wilbur Buds - 11, and Bruno Bean - 6) currently residing with me, I made a call to True Faithful Pet Rescue Mission and asked how I could help. Within a couple of hours, I was contacted asking how many I could foster! I have fostered a total of 5 dogs over 2 years. All senior, most special needs. I saw an ad on my Instagram feed for Magal here and there and thought the jewelry was pretty, but let’s face it; the dogs don’t care about jewelry! So I would browse and then move on. I always framed a photo when one of my dogs got adopted, but I really wanted a special way to remember them every day.

Fast forward to the String of Love! I currently have 3. I got my first bracelet when Murphy, a senior boy with Cushing’s Disease found his people. He is blue. Next is Vinny, a 15-17 yr old dachshund who was literally brought back to life after being found on the roadside after Hurricane Laura. He is green. Last (until a new one comes into my life) is Fendi. She is a sweet, 10 yr old soul, I scooped up from the euthanasia list at a very overcrowded county shelter. She is bright pink, just like her personality.

I have not taken my bracelets off since I received each in the mail. I wear them to clean kennels and walk dogs.  They are so durable. Every time I look at my bracelets, I am reminded of the difference I have made for each of these amazing dogs. I will add a new one every time one of my fosters finds a forever home! I also plan on getting a special one, heart shaped, for my little Beth, the one that started this journey. I think she will be bright yellow. 

Thank you for the perfect bracelet to remind me of the beauty of the small things we can do in life that make a big difference!



By, Julie Paulia.      

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